Reading Help How to speak and write correctly Ch.I-VI
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_Notes_ may be regarded as letters in miniature confined chiefly to `
` invitations, acceptances, regrets and introductions, and modern etiquette `
` tends towards informality in their composition. Card etiquette, in fact, `
` has taken the place of ceremonious correspondence and informal notes are `
` now the rule. Invitations to dinner and receptions are now mostly written `
` on cards. "Regrets" are sent back on visiting cards with just the one `
` word _"Regrets"_ plainly written thereon. Often on cards and notes of `
` invitation we find the letters R. S. V. P. at the bottom. These letters `
` stand for the French _repondez s'il vous plait_, which means "Reply, if `
` you please," but there is no necessity to put this on an invitation card `
` as every well-bred person knows that a reply is expected. In writing `
` notes to young ladies of the same family it should be noted that the `
` eldest daughter of the house is entitled to the designation _Miss_ without `
` any Christian name, only the surname appended. Thus if there are three `
` daughters in the Thompson family Martha, the eldest, Susan and Jemina, `
` Martha is addressed as _Miss_ Thompson and the other two as _Miss_ Susan `
` Thompson and _Miss_ Jemina Thompson respectively. `
` `
` Don't write the word _addressed_ on the envelope of a note. `
` `
` Don't _seal_ a note delivered by a friend. `
` `
` Don't write a note on a postal card. `
` `
` Here are a few common forms:-- `
` `
` `
` `
` Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagstaff request the `
` honor of Mr. McAdoo's presence on Friday `
` evening, June 15th, at 8 o'clock to meet the `
` Governor of the Fort. `
` 19 Woodbine Terrace `
` June 8th, 1910. `
` `
` This is an invitation to a formal reception calling for evening dress. `
` Here is Mr. McAdoo's reply in the third person:-- `
` `
` Mr. McAdoo presents his compliments to `
` Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagstaff and accepts with `
` great pleasure their invitation to meet the `
` Governor of the Fort on the evening of June `
` fifteenth. `
` 215 Beacon Street, `
` June 10th, 1910. `
` `
` Here is how Mr. McAdoo might decline the invitation:-- `
` `
` Mr. McAdoo regrets that owing to a prior `
` engagement he must forego the honor of paying `
` his respects to Mr. and Mrs. Wagstaff and the `
` Governor of the Fort on the evening of June `
` fifteenth. `
` 215 Beacon St., `
` June 10th, 1910. `
` `
` Here is a note addressed, say to Mr. Jeremiah Reynolds. `
` `
` Mr. and Mrs. Oldham at home on Wednesday `
` evening October ninth from seven to eleven. `
` 21 Ashland Avenue, `
` October 5th. `
` `
` Mr. Reynolds makes reply:-- `
` `
` Mr. Reynolds accepts with high appreciation `
` the honor of Mr. and Mrs. Oldham's invitation `
` for Wednesday evening October ninth. `
` Windsor Hotel `
` October 7th `
` `
` or `
` `
` Mr. Reynolds regrets that his duties render `
` it impossible for him to accept Mr. and Mrs. `
` Oldham's kind invitation for the evening of `
` October ninth. `
` Windsor Hotel, `
` October 7th, `
` `
` Sometimes less informal invitations are sent on small specially designed `
` note paper in which the first person takes the place of the third. Thus `
` `
` 360 Pine St., `
` Dec. 11th, 1910. `
` Dear Mr. Saintsbury: `
` Mr. Johnson and I should be much pleased to `
` have you dine with us and a few friends next `
` Thursday, the fifteenth, at half past seven. `
` Yours sincerely, `
` Emma Burnside. `
` `
` Mr. Saintsbury's reply: `
` `
` 57 Carlyle Strand `
` Dec. 13th, 1910. `
` Dear Mrs. Burnside: `
` Let me accept very appreciatively your `
` invitation to dine with Mr. Burnside and you `
` on next Thursday, the fifteenth, at half past `
` seven. `
` Yours sincerely, `
` Henry Saintsbury. `
` Mrs. Alexander Burnside. `
` `
` `
` `
` Notes of introduction should be very circumspect as the writers are in `
` reality vouching for those whom they introduce. Here is a specimen of `
` such a note. `
` `
` 603 Lexington Ave., `
` New York City, `
` June 15th, 1910. `
` `
` Rev. Cyrus C. Wiley, D. D., `
` Newark, N. J. `
` My dear Dr. Wiley: `
` I take the liberty of `
` presenting to you my friend, Stacy Redfern, `
` M. D., a young practitioner, who is anxious `
` to locate in Newark. I have known him many `
` years and can vouch for his integrity and `
` professional standing. Any courtesy and `
` kindness which you may show him will be very `
` much appreciated by me. `
` Very sincerely yours, `
` Franklin Jewett. `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` invitations, acceptances, regrets and introductions, and modern etiquette `
` tends towards informality in their composition. Card etiquette, in fact, `
` has taken the place of ceremonious correspondence and informal notes are `
` now the rule. Invitations to dinner and receptions are now mostly written `
` on cards. "Regrets" are sent back on visiting cards with just the one `
` word _"Regrets"_ plainly written thereon. Often on cards and notes of `
` invitation we find the letters R. S. V. P. at the bottom. These letters `
` stand for the French _repondez s'il vous plait_, which means "Reply, if `
` you please," but there is no necessity to put this on an invitation card `
` as every well-bred person knows that a reply is expected. In writing `
` notes to young ladies of the same family it should be noted that the `
` eldest daughter of the house is entitled to the designation _Miss_ without `
` any Christian name, only the surname appended. Thus if there are three `
` daughters in the Thompson family Martha, the eldest, Susan and Jemina, `
` Martha is addressed as _Miss_ Thompson and the other two as _Miss_ Susan `
` Thompson and _Miss_ Jemina Thompson respectively. `
` `
` Don't write the word _addressed_ on the envelope of a note. `
` `
` Don't _seal_ a note delivered by a friend. `
` `
` Don't write a note on a postal card. `
` `
` Here are a few common forms:-- `
` `
` `
` `
` Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagstaff request the `
` honor of Mr. McAdoo's presence on Friday `
` evening, June 15th, at 8 o'clock to meet the `
` Governor of the Fort. `
` 19 Woodbine Terrace `
` June 8th, 1910. `
` `
` This is an invitation to a formal reception calling for evening dress. `
` Here is Mr. McAdoo's reply in the third person:-- `
` `
` Mr. McAdoo presents his compliments to `
` Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagstaff and accepts with `
` great pleasure their invitation to meet the `
` Governor of the Fort on the evening of June `
` fifteenth. `
` 215 Beacon Street, `
` June 10th, 1910. `
` `
` Here is how Mr. McAdoo might decline the invitation:-- `
` `
` Mr. McAdoo regrets that owing to a prior `
` engagement he must forego the honor of paying `
` his respects to Mr. and Mrs. Wagstaff and the `
` Governor of the Fort on the evening of June `
` fifteenth. `
` 215 Beacon St., `
` June 10th, 1910. `
` `
` Here is a note addressed, say to Mr. Jeremiah Reynolds. `
` `
` Mr. and Mrs. Oldham at home on Wednesday `
` evening October ninth from seven to eleven. `
` 21 Ashland Avenue, `
` October 5th. `
` `
` Mr. Reynolds makes reply:-- `
` `
` Mr. Reynolds accepts with high appreciation `
` the honor of Mr. and Mrs. Oldham's invitation `
` for Wednesday evening October ninth. `
` Windsor Hotel `
` October 7th `
` `
` or `
` `
` Mr. Reynolds regrets that his duties render `
` it impossible for him to accept Mr. and Mrs. `
` Oldham's kind invitation for the evening of `
` October ninth. `
` Windsor Hotel, `
` October 7th, `
` `
` Sometimes less informal invitations are sent on small specially designed `
` note paper in which the first person takes the place of the third. Thus `
` `
` 360 Pine St., `
` Dec. 11th, 1910. `
` Dear Mr. Saintsbury: `
` Mr. Johnson and I should be much pleased to `
` have you dine with us and a few friends next `
` Thursday, the fifteenth, at half past seven. `
` Yours sincerely, `
` Emma Burnside. `
` `
` Mr. Saintsbury's reply: `
` `
` 57 Carlyle Strand `
` Dec. 13th, 1910. `
` Dear Mrs. Burnside: `
` Let me accept very appreciatively your `
` invitation to dine with Mr. Burnside and you `
` on next Thursday, the fifteenth, at half past `
` seven. `
` Yours sincerely, `
` Henry Saintsbury. `
` Mrs. Alexander Burnside. `
` `
` `
` `
` Notes of introduction should be very circumspect as the writers are in `
` reality vouching for those whom they introduce. Here is a specimen of `
` such a note. `
` `
` 603 Lexington Ave., `
` New York City, `
` June 15th, 1910. `
` `
` Rev. Cyrus C. Wiley, D. D., `
` Newark, N. J. `
` My dear Dr. Wiley: `
` I take the liberty of `
` presenting to you my friend, Stacy Redfern, `
` M. D., a young practitioner, who is anxious `
` to locate in Newark. I have known him many `
` years and can vouch for his integrity and `
` professional standing. Any courtesy and `
` kindness which you may show him will be very `
` much appreciated by me. `
` Very sincerely yours, `
` Franklin Jewett. `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
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