How to Tell Time in English: in the afternoon, in the morning, in the evening, exactly, about
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{"DataListFilter":{"items":63,"list":"basic\/time","page":-1,"pages":-61,"pagesize":-1},"DataListItems":[{"i":54,"k":"it's midnight","v":"es medianoche"},{"i":55,"k":"it's noon","v":"es mediodía"},{"i":56,"k":"it's three in the afternoon","v":"son las tres de la tarde"},{"i":57,"k":"it's six in the morning","v":"son las seis de la mañana"},{"i":58,"k":"it's eleven in the evening","v":"son las once de la noche"},{"i":59,"k":"it's 6:15 in the morning","v":"son las seis y cuarto de la mañana"},{"i":60,"k":"it's 1:55 in the afternoon","v":"son las dos menos cinco de la tarde"},{"i":61,"k":"it's half past eight at night","v":"son las ocho y media de la noche"},{"i":62,"k":"it's 6:15 exactly","v":"son las seis y cuarto en punto"},{"i":63,"k":"it's about 6:15","v":"son las seis y cuarto más o menos"}]}