Reading Help How to speak and write correctly Ch.I-VI
Uncle Jacob, Aunt Eliza. Father, when used to denote the early Christian `
` writer, is begun with a capital; "Augustine was one of the learned `
` Fathers of the Church." `
` `
` (14) The names applied to the Supreme Being begin with capitals: "God, `
` Lord, Creator, Providence, Almighty, The Deity, Heavenly Father, Holy `
` One." In this respect the names applied to the Saviour also require `
` capitals: "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Man of Galilee, The Crucified, The `
` Anointed One." Also the designations of Biblical characters as "Lily of `
` Israel, Rose of Sharon, Comfortress of the Afflicted, Help of Christians, `
` Prince of the Apostles, Star of the Sea," etc. Pronouns referring to God `
` and Christ take capitals; as, "His work, The work of Him, etc." `
` `
` (15) Expressions used to designate the Bible or any particular division `
` of it begin with a capital; as, "Holy Writ, The Sacred Book, Holy Book, `
` God's Word, Old Testament, New Testament, Gospel of St. Matthew, Seven `
` Penitential Psalms." `
` `
` (16) Expressions based upon the Bible or in reference to Biblical `
` characters begin with a capital: "Water of Life, Hope of Men, Help of `
` Christians, Scourge of Nations." `
` `
` (17) The names applied to the Evil One require capitals: "Beelzebub, `
` Prince of Darkness, Satan, King of Hell, Devil, Incarnate Fiend, Tempter `
` of Men, Father of Lies, Hater of Good." `
` `
` (18) Words of very special importance, especially those which stand out `
` as the names of leading events in history, have capitals; as, "The `
` Revolution, The Civil War, The Middle Ages, The Age of Iron," etc. `
` `
` (19) Terms which refer to great events in the history of the race require `
` capitals; "The Flood, Magna Charta, Declaration of Independence." `
` `
` (20) The names of the days of the week and the months of the year and the `
` seasons are commenced with capitals: "Monday, March, Autumn." `
` `
` (21) The Pronoun _I_ and the interjection _O_ always require the use of `
` capitals. In fact all the interjections when uttered as exclamations `
` commence with capitals: "Alas! he is gone." "Ah! I pitied him." `
` `
` (22) All _noms-de-guerre_, assumed names, as well as names given for `
` distinction, call for capitals, as, "The Wizard of the North," "Paul `
` Pry," "The Northern Gael," "Sandy Sanderson," "Poor Robin," etc. `
` `
` (23) In personification, that is, when inanimate things are represented `
` as endowed with life and action, the noun or object personified begins `
` with a capital; as, "The starry Night shook the dews from her wings." `
` "Mild-eyed Day appeared," "The Oak said to the Beech--'I am stronger `
` than you.'" `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` Principles of Letter-Writing--Forms--Notes `
` `
` `
` Many people seem to regard letter-writing as a very simple and easily `
` acquired branch, but on the contrary it is one of the most difficult `
` forms of composition and requires much patience and labor to master its `
` details. In fact there are very few perfect letter-writers in the `
` language. It constitutes the direct form of speech and may be called `
` conversation at a distance. Its forms are so varied by every conceivable `
` topic written at all times by all kinds of persons in all kinds of moods `
` and tempers and addressed to all kinds of persons of varying degrees in `
` society and of different pursuits in life, that no fixed rules can be `
` laid down to regulate its length, style or subject matter. Only general `
` suggestions can be made in regard to scope and purpose, and the forms of `
` indicting set forth which custom and precedent have sanctioned. `
` `
` The principles of letter-writing should be understood by everybody who `
` has any knowledge of written language, for almost everybody at some time `
` or other has necessity to address some friend or acquaintance at a `
` distance, whereas comparatively few are called upon to direct their `
` efforts towards any other kind of composition. `
` `
` Formerly the illiterate countryman, when he had occasion to communicate `
` with friends or relations, called in the peripatetic schoolmaster as his `
` amanuensis, but this had one draw-back,--secrets had to be poured into an `
` ear other than that for which they were intended, and often the `
` confidence was betrayed. `
` `
` Now, that education is abroad in the land, there is seldom any occasion `
` for any person to call upon the service of another to compose and write a `
` personal letter. Very few now-a-days are so grossly illiterate as not to `
` be able to read and write. No matter how crude his effort may be it is `
` better for any one to write his own letters than trust to another. Even `
` if he should commence,--"deer fren, i lift up my pen to let ye no that i `
` hove been sik for the past 3 weeks, hopping this will findye the same," `
` his spelling and construction can be excused in view of the fact that his `
` intention is good, and that he is doing his best to serve his own turn `
` without depending upon others. `
` `
` The nature, substance and tone of any letter depend upon the occasion `
` that calls it forth, upon the person writing it and upon the person for `
` whom it is intended. Whether it should be easy or formal in style, plain `
` or ornate, light or serious, gay or grave, sentimental or matter-of-fact `
` depend upon these three circumstances. `
` `
` In letter writing the first and most important requisites are to be `
` natural and simple; there should be no straining after effect, but simply `
` a spontaneous out-pouring of thoughts and ideas as they naturally occur `
` to the writer. We are repelled by a person who is stiff and labored in `
` his conversation and in the same way the stiff and labored letter bores `
` the reader. Whereas if it is light and in a conversational vein it `
` immediately engages his attention. `
` `
` The letter which is written with the greatest facility is the best kind `
` of letter because it naturally expresses what is in the writer, he has `
` not to search for his words, they flow in a perfect unison with the ideas `
` he desires to communicate. When you write to your friend John Browne to `
` tell him how you spent Sunday you have not to look around for the words, `
` or study set phrases with a view to please or impress Browne, you just `
` tell him the same as if he were present before you, how you spent the `
` day, where you were, with whom you associated and the chief incidents `
` that occurred during the time. Thus, you write natural and it is such `
` writing that is adapted to epistolary correspondence. `
` `
` There are different kinds of letters, each calling for a different style `
` of address and composition, nevertheless the natural key should be `
` maintained in all, that is to say, the writer should never attempt to `
` convey an impression that he is other than what he is. It would be silly `
` as well as vain for the common street laborer of a limited education to `
` try to put on literary airs and emulate a college professor; he may have `
` as good a brain, but it is not as well developed by education, and he `
` lacks the polish which society confers. When writing a letter the street `
` laborer should bear in mind that only the letter of a street-laborer is `
` expected from him, no matter to whom his communication may be addressed `
` and that neither the grammar nor the diction of a Chesterfield or `
` Gladstone is looked for in his language. Still the writer should keep in `
` mind the person to whom he is writing. If it is to an Archbishop or some `
` other great dignitary of Church or state it certainly should be couched `
` in terms different from those he uses to John Browne, his intimate `
` friend. Just as he cannot say "Dear John" to an Archbishop, no more can `
` he address him in the familiar words he uses to his friend of everyday `
` acquaintance and companionship. Yet there is no great learning required `
` to write to an Archbishop, no more than to an ordinary individual. All `
` the laborer needs to know is the form of address and how to properly `
` utilize his limited vocabulary to the best advantage. Here is the form `
` for such a letter: `
` `
` 17 Second Avenue, `
` New York City. `
` January 1st, 1910. `
` `
` Most Rev. P. A. Jordan, `
` Archbishop of New York. `
` `
` Most Rev. and dear Sir:-- `
` While sweeping the crossing at Fifth `
` Avenue and 50th street on last Wednesday `
` morning, I found the enclosed Fifty Dollar `
` Bill, which I am sending to you in the hope `
` that it may be restored to the rightful `
` owner. `
` I beg you will acknowledge receipt and `
` should the owner be found I trust you will `
` notify me, so that I may claim some reward `
` for my honesty. `
` I am, Most Rev. and dear Sir, `
` `
` Very respectfully yours, `
` Thomas Jones. `
` `
` `
` Observe the brevity of the letter. Jones makes no suggestions to the `
` Archbishop how to find the owner, for he knows the course the Archbishop `
` will adopt, of having the finding of the bill announced from the Church `
` pulpits. Could Jones himself find the owner there would be no occasion to `
` apply to the Archbishop. `
` `
` This letter, it is true, is different from that which he would send to `
` Browne. Nevertheless it is simple without being familiar, is just a plain `
` statement, and is as much to the point for its purpose as if it were `
` garnished with rhetoric and "words of learned length and thundering `
` sound." `
` `
` Letters may be divided into those of friendship, acquaintanceship, those `
` of business relations, those written in an official capacity by public `
` servants, those designed to teach, and those which give accounts of the `
` daily happenings on the stage of life, in other words, news letters. `
` `
` _Letters of friendship_ are the most common and their style and form `
` depend upon the degree of relationship and intimacy existing between the `
` writers and those addressed. Between relatives and intimate friends the `
` beginning and end may be in the most familiar form of conversation, `
` either affectionate or playful. They should, however, never overstep the `
` boundaries of decency and propriety, for it is well to remember that, `
` unlike conversation, which only is heard by the ears for which it is `
` intended, written words may come under eyes other than those for whom `
` they were designed. Therefore, it is well never to write anything which `
` the world may not read without detriment to your character or your `
` instincts. You can be joyful, playful, jocose, give vent to your feelings, `
` but never stoop to low language and, above all, to language savoring in `
` the slightest degree of moral impropriety. `
` `
` _Business letters_ are of the utmost importance on account of the `
` interests involved. The business character of a man or of a firm is often `
` writer, is begun with a capital; "Augustine was one of the learned `
` Fathers of the Church." `
` `
` (14) The names applied to the Supreme Being begin with capitals: "God, `
` Lord, Creator, Providence, Almighty, The Deity, Heavenly Father, Holy `
` One." In this respect the names applied to the Saviour also require `
` capitals: "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Man of Galilee, The Crucified, The `
` Anointed One." Also the designations of Biblical characters as "Lily of `
` Israel, Rose of Sharon, Comfortress of the Afflicted, Help of Christians, `
` Prince of the Apostles, Star of the Sea," etc. Pronouns referring to God `
` and Christ take capitals; as, "His work, The work of Him, etc." `
` `
` (15) Expressions used to designate the Bible or any particular division `
` of it begin with a capital; as, "Holy Writ, The Sacred Book, Holy Book, `
` God's Word, Old Testament, New Testament, Gospel of St. Matthew, Seven `
` Penitential Psalms." `
` `
` (16) Expressions based upon the Bible or in reference to Biblical `
` characters begin with a capital: "Water of Life, Hope of Men, Help of `
` Christians, Scourge of Nations." `
` `
` (17) The names applied to the Evil One require capitals: "Beelzebub, `
` Prince of Darkness, Satan, King of Hell, Devil, Incarnate Fiend, Tempter `
` of Men, Father of Lies, Hater of Good." `
` `
` (18) Words of very special importance, especially those which stand out `
` as the names of leading events in history, have capitals; as, "The `
` Revolution, The Civil War, The Middle Ages, The Age of Iron," etc. `
` `
` (19) Terms which refer to great events in the history of the race require `
` capitals; "The Flood, Magna Charta, Declaration of Independence." `
` `
` (20) The names of the days of the week and the months of the year and the `
` seasons are commenced with capitals: "Monday, March, Autumn." `
` `
` (21) The Pronoun _I_ and the interjection _O_ always require the use of `
` capitals. In fact all the interjections when uttered as exclamations `
` commence with capitals: "Alas! he is gone." "Ah! I pitied him." `
` `
` (22) All _noms-de-guerre_, assumed names, as well as names given for `
` distinction, call for capitals, as, "The Wizard of the North," "Paul `
` Pry," "The Northern Gael," "Sandy Sanderson," "Poor Robin," etc. `
` `
` (23) In personification, that is, when inanimate things are represented `
` as endowed with life and action, the noun or object personified begins `
` with a capital; as, "The starry Night shook the dews from her wings." `
` "Mild-eyed Day appeared," "The Oak said to the Beech--'I am stronger `
` than you.'" `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` `
` Principles of Letter-Writing--Forms--Notes `
` `
` `
` Many people seem to regard letter-writing as a very simple and easily `
` acquired branch, but on the contrary it is one of the most difficult `
` forms of composition and requires much patience and labor to master its `
` details. In fact there are very few perfect letter-writers in the `
` language. It constitutes the direct form of speech and may be called `
` conversation at a distance. Its forms are so varied by every conceivable `
` topic written at all times by all kinds of persons in all kinds of moods `
` and tempers and addressed to all kinds of persons of varying degrees in `
` society and of different pursuits in life, that no fixed rules can be `
` laid down to regulate its length, style or subject matter. Only general `
` suggestions can be made in regard to scope and purpose, and the forms of `
` indicting set forth which custom and precedent have sanctioned. `
` `
` The principles of letter-writing should be understood by everybody who `
` has any knowledge of written language, for almost everybody at some time `
` or other has necessity to address some friend or acquaintance at a `
` distance, whereas comparatively few are called upon to direct their `
` efforts towards any other kind of composition. `
` `
` Formerly the illiterate countryman, when he had occasion to communicate `
` with friends or relations, called in the peripatetic schoolmaster as his `
` amanuensis, but this had one draw-back,--secrets had to be poured into an `
` ear other than that for which they were intended, and often the `
` confidence was betrayed. `
` `
` Now, that education is abroad in the land, there is seldom any occasion `
` for any person to call upon the service of another to compose and write a `
` personal letter. Very few now-a-days are so grossly illiterate as not to `
` be able to read and write. No matter how crude his effort may be it is `
` better for any one to write his own letters than trust to another. Even `
` if he should commence,--"deer fren, i lift up my pen to let ye no that i `
` hove been sik for the past 3 weeks, hopping this will findye the same," `
` his spelling and construction can be excused in view of the fact that his `
` intention is good, and that he is doing his best to serve his own turn `
` without depending upon others. `
` `
` The nature, substance and tone of any letter depend upon the occasion `
` that calls it forth, upon the person writing it and upon the person for `
` whom it is intended. Whether it should be easy or formal in style, plain `
` or ornate, light or serious, gay or grave, sentimental or matter-of-fact `
` depend upon these three circumstances. `
` `
` In letter writing the first and most important requisites are to be `
` natural and simple; there should be no straining after effect, but simply `
` a spontaneous out-pouring of thoughts and ideas as they naturally occur `
` to the writer. We are repelled by a person who is stiff and labored in `
` his conversation and in the same way the stiff and labored letter bores `
` the reader. Whereas if it is light and in a conversational vein it `
` immediately engages his attention. `
` `
` The letter which is written with the greatest facility is the best kind `
` of letter because it naturally expresses what is in the writer, he has `
` not to search for his words, they flow in a perfect unison with the ideas `
` he desires to communicate. When you write to your friend John Browne to `
` tell him how you spent Sunday you have not to look around for the words, `
` or study set phrases with a view to please or impress Browne, you just `
` tell him the same as if he were present before you, how you spent the `
` day, where you were, with whom you associated and the chief incidents `
` that occurred during the time. Thus, you write natural and it is such `
` writing that is adapted to epistolary correspondence. `
` `
` There are different kinds of letters, each calling for a different style `
` of address and composition, nevertheless the natural key should be `
` maintained in all, that is to say, the writer should never attempt to `
` convey an impression that he is other than what he is. It would be silly `
` as well as vain for the common street laborer of a limited education to `
` try to put on literary airs and emulate a college professor; he may have `
` as good a brain, but it is not as well developed by education, and he `
` lacks the polish which society confers. When writing a letter the street `
` laborer should bear in mind that only the letter of a street-laborer is `
` expected from him, no matter to whom his communication may be addressed `
` and that neither the grammar nor the diction of a Chesterfield or `
` Gladstone is looked for in his language. Still the writer should keep in `
` mind the person to whom he is writing. If it is to an Archbishop or some `
` other great dignitary of Church or state it certainly should be couched `
` in terms different from those he uses to John Browne, his intimate `
` friend. Just as he cannot say "Dear John" to an Archbishop, no more can `
` he address him in the familiar words he uses to his friend of everyday `
` acquaintance and companionship. Yet there is no great learning required `
` to write to an Archbishop, no more than to an ordinary individual. All `
` the laborer needs to know is the form of address and how to properly `
` utilize his limited vocabulary to the best advantage. Here is the form `
` for such a letter: `
` `
` 17 Second Avenue, `
` New York City. `
` January 1st, 1910. `
` `
` Most Rev. P. A. Jordan, `
` Archbishop of New York. `
` `
` Most Rev. and dear Sir:-- `
` While sweeping the crossing at Fifth `
` Avenue and 50th street on last Wednesday `
` morning, I found the enclosed Fifty Dollar `
` Bill, which I am sending to you in the hope `
` that it may be restored to the rightful `
` owner. `
` I beg you will acknowledge receipt and `
` should the owner be found I trust you will `
` notify me, so that I may claim some reward `
` for my honesty. `
` I am, Most Rev. and dear Sir, `
` `
` Very respectfully yours, `
` Thomas Jones. `
` `
` `
` Observe the brevity of the letter. Jones makes no suggestions to the `
` Archbishop how to find the owner, for he knows the course the Archbishop `
` will adopt, of having the finding of the bill announced from the Church `
` pulpits. Could Jones himself find the owner there would be no occasion to `
` apply to the Archbishop. `
` `
` This letter, it is true, is different from that which he would send to `
` Browne. Nevertheless it is simple without being familiar, is just a plain `
` statement, and is as much to the point for its purpose as if it were `
` garnished with rhetoric and "words of learned length and thundering `
` sound." `
` `
` Letters may be divided into those of friendship, acquaintanceship, those `
` of business relations, those written in an official capacity by public `
` servants, those designed to teach, and those which give accounts of the `
` daily happenings on the stage of life, in other words, news letters. `
` `
` _Letters of friendship_ are the most common and their style and form `
` depend upon the degree of relationship and intimacy existing between the `
` writers and those addressed. Between relatives and intimate friends the `
` beginning and end may be in the most familiar form of conversation, `
` either affectionate or playful. They should, however, never overstep the `
` boundaries of decency and propriety, for it is well to remember that, `
` unlike conversation, which only is heard by the ears for which it is `
` intended, written words may come under eyes other than those for whom `
` they were designed. Therefore, it is well never to write anything which `
` the world may not read without detriment to your character or your `
` instincts. You can be joyful, playful, jocose, give vent to your feelings, `
` but never stoop to low language and, above all, to language savoring in `
` the slightest degree of moral impropriety. `
` `
` _Business letters_ are of the utmost importance on account of the `
` interests involved. The business character of a man or of a firm is often `